Our Spa


Our Spa Service

Aromatherapy (M/F)

It is a holistic body massage that cares for the body with pleasant oils. A medium pressure massage (combination of Javanese Lomi-Lomi, and Swedish massage) using essential oils that are beneficial for the body and mind. The active molecules of essential oils make the massage penetrates the blood stream & soothes the central nervous system. It aids relaxation, digestion, improves blood circulation and leaves you feeling calm and relaxed.

Thai Massage

An exotic, rejuvenating and ultimate workout to realign the body. This firm body dry massage (without oil) is a masterful fusion of Indian Ayurvedic stretching techniques and the Chinese method of deep tissue pressure points massage. It helps to release muscle tensions and spasms, improve blood flow, enhance body vitality and flexibility. and restore suppleness.

African Stone Massage (M/F)

Imagine warm small Basalt stones being placed on key energy points on your body, evoking an aura of warmth. The deep penetrating heat from the stones with oil is used to massage your body using traditional techniques to soothe away stress and to relieve muscular aches, pains and tensions. It’s magical!

Boreh Bali (M/F)

The Balinese Boreh treatment is perfect for soothing aches and pains. It creates a sensation of warming heat to relieve flu and fever symptoms. This treatment begins with a boreh body exfoliation and continues with the Boreh wrap, ground from pure Balinese spices and plants. This traditional recipe helps to detoxify the body and acts as a warming treatment.

Chocolate Body Mask (M/F)

Totally indulge your senses with the aroma of chocolate. Not only does it taste good but it is also very therapeutic. A chocolate body mask can enhance serotonin levels in the brain, as well as detoxify, moisturize, and stimulate the circulatory system leaving the skin unbelievably smooth and sensually sweet.

Imperdiet Aliquam

Proin tincidunt porta enim, vitae fermentum sem laoreet nec. Nam ut lorem posuere, consectetur erat a, lacinia quam. Aenean sit amet sodales neque, eu imperdiet quam. Praesent congue dictum libero. Curabitur lobortis diam est, eu hendrerit nunc viverra vitae. Nunc aliquam semper commodo. Nulla porta libero nulla, eget commodo justo lacinia quis. Nulla at sapien eu lectus tempor volutpat rhoncus vitae purus. Proin tincidunt porta enim, vitae fermentum sem laoreet nec. Nam ut lorem posuere, consectetur erat a, lacinia quam. Aenean sit amet sodales neque, eu imperdiet quam. Praesent congue dictum libero. Curabitur lobortis diam est, eu hendrerit nunc viverra vitae.